A responsive website tailored to user needs, consolidating various platforms into a unified experience.


5 weeks

Tools Used

Figma, Zoom

Solo Project

A local studio, aimed to create a user-friendly and centralized online hub for their current and future clients.

Design Process

I led the UX/UI design for this project, crafting both strategy and visuals.


User Interviews
Competitive Analysis




User Flows
Task Flows


Visual Design


Usability Testing
Implementing Feedback

Discover Process

Qualitative Research

A two-phase interview process informed the design of the Aube Pilates website. First, in-depth discussions with the studio owner revealed her vision and core needs. Second, interviews with potential clients explored their expectations. This combined data ensured the website aligns with both the owner’s goals and user needs.

Interview Questions

Studio Owner


  • Could you start by telling me how you became interested in Pilates?
  • When / Where / Why /
  • Could you walk me through the development of your Pilates career?
  • Do you think that Pilates has changed your life?  How?
  • How long have you been instructing others on Pilates?


  • When was Aube Pilates established?
  • What worries did you have after first opening it?
  • Can you walk me through the progress of your company?
  • What is the future of Aube Pilates?
  • What types of social media accounts is Aube Pilates currently on?


  • What is the motto / mission statement of Aube Pilates?
  • Can you tell me about your target market?
  • How many employees do you currently have?  Will that change anytime soon?
  • Could you tell me the rates for your customers?
  • What types of classes / course are you providing to your customers?
  • Is there a way for customers to leave reviews of your business?  Where, how, and what kinds of reviews have you recently been receiving?
  • Why do you feel that you need a website for your company?

Potential User


  • Can you share with me any experiences you have had with exercising at business locations (spinning / gym / Pilates / HIIT / yoga / etc.).
  • Have you ever needed to hire a personal trainer of any kind?
  • If yes, can you describe what kind of trainer and what type of training?
  • If no, can you talk about your opinion of personal trainers and/or why you haven’t yet needed one?


  • If your doctor had told you to join a Pilates Studio, how would you go about finding one to join?
  • Type district location and “Pilates” / Check reviews / choose 2-3 and then go there to see if the teacher fits with her or not.
  • If you had to search for a studio through the internet, what factors are most important to you when you are comparing and contrasting the studios?
  • Please rank the following features from most important to least important when thinking about joining a Pilates Studio:
  1. Instructor Profiles – Background information about potential instructors
  2. Subscribe to the Site – Receive emails concerning deals and discounts
  3. Cost of Sessions – Cost comparisons
  4. Session Types – What types of classes are available (single / dual / group / etc)
  5. Schedule Availability – Scheduling information

Key insights derived from the interviews

Location was king: All participants prioritized convenient locations when choosing a workout venue.

Data Privacy: While 25% of participants preferred limited data sharing (name and email only), the remaining 75% were comfortable providing necessary details during registration at a new gym.

Booking Woes: Every participant had experienced issues with online booking systems. Half specifically mentioned frustrations with confusing third-party platforms, especially when errors arose.

Seeking Simplicity: Streamlined booking processes were a top priority for all participants. Easy cancellation and modification options were also highly desired.

Competitive Analysis

I consider the competitive analysis to be crucial. It enables me to dissect the commonalities of existing approaches and identify the specific elements that are absent for a particular Pilates studio.

Define Phase


I analyzed interview data to create a user persona. This persona, with its detailed understanding of user goals, frustrations, and personality, guided me towards better design solutions.

Ideate Process


Through in-depth user interviews, I gained valuable insights that shaped the website’s general user flow and task flows, prioritizing essential functionalities. Analyzing this data alongside learnings from the competitive analysis allowed me to streamline the user experience.

User FLow

Task Flow #1

Task Flow #2

Task Flow #3

Task Flow #4

Design Phase


Starting with low-fidelity prototypes, I established a clear information hierarchy for the studio owner’s review. Their feedback then guided the development of high-fidelity prototypes, which offered a more realistic feel of the final website.

Equally crucial was ensuring a consistent balance and relationship between the PC and mobile viewports, ensuring that users would experience a seamless transition between the two interfaces.


In collaboration with the studio owner, I visited their location and documented its visual language through photographs. These images served as the foundation for color selection, design concepts, and the overall aesthetic


Based on user interviews, it’s apparent that a significant majority of users tend to utilize their mobile phones for searching, discovering, and gathering information about exercising facilities. Consequently, the website has been adapted to adopt a responsive design model.

Test Phase

Usability Testing

To assess the user experience of the Pilates studio website, I conducted remote usability testing sessions with 5 participants residing in South Korea. These participants had prior experience joining either a Pilates studio or registering for a gym online.

Consolidate User Experience

Streamline access to essential business information and online resources within a centralized hub.

Authentic Brand Representation

Streamline access to essential business information and online resources within a centralized hub.

Intuitive Appointment Management

Implement a user-friendly scheduling system for convenient appointment booking, viewing, modification, and cancellation.

Here’s what my users thought about the newly designed site:


User perception leaned towards a high-end Pilates studio experience

During usability testing, participants consistently commended the website’s professional and sophisticated design. This positive user perception regarding the website’s perceived quality directly aligned with the studio owner’s aspirations for a luxurious appearance.


Limited scrolling awareness

Initial usability testing revealed that some participants missed the homepage’s scrolling functionality. This might be attributed to the first prototype design using a limited viewport that appeared complete, giving the impression it wasn’t scrollable.


Social media fatigue

The social media section on the homepage overwhelmed users. Multiple participants commented on the large size of images and mobile frames, which dominated the screen and detracted from other content.


Clear session tracking

“The scheduling page made it incredibly clear how many Pilates sessions I had remaining in my package. It was easy to see what I had used and what was left, without any confusion.”

I documented interview notes and conducted an initial sorting of usability feedback using a feedback grid. Subsequently, I prioritized changes based on a mapping of frequency to severity.

After analyzing the results, I made priority revisions to the design


A simple and subtle visual cue was added at the bottom of the page to inform users of more content available below


A few changes were needed for the Social Media section of the homepage

To evoke a resemblance to the social media platform without direct imitation, a complete redesign of the section image layout was necessary. This approach aimed for subtle recognition by users, independent of the top buttons.

Using skeuomorphic buttons ultimately didn’t fit with the general vibe of the site and therefore needed to be redesigned.


More noticeable features needed for “Our Central Focus”

Not only for “Our Central Focus”, but for all subheaders, a darker variation of the typeface was used to become more noticeable for users

Subtitles within the images were dropped below the image itself for users to read easier


Creating visual hierarchy and focus

Originally, the subsection blended into the white background, hindering user visibility. To address this, a contrasting background was implemented, making the subsection distinct and drawing the eye compared to its neighboring sections.


Clearer path to instructor bios

During usability testing, most participants found the instructors’ images and basic information. However, they desired more in-depth details and attempted to click on names, titles, and images. Unfortunately, there was no clear way to access this additional information, leaving them frustrated.


Making it more relevant

Replacing the ‘Total Payments’ card with personal growth insights would better align with the company’s branding goals.

InBody, widely used in South Korea’s health facilities, provides users with comprehensive biological data, offering valuable health insights.



The launch of this website design has been postponed due to time and engineering limitations. However, I maintain regular communication with the owner of Aube Pilates and intend to persist in refining the site designs until we achieve a fully functional website. The owner expressed excitement at the prospect of seeing her ideas materialize and her company’s website come together, enabling her clients to access all online content conveniently in one central location.

If I had more time

Secondary research is imperative at this juncture. I’m eager to collect additional data from a broader audience to more accurately identify any missing elements, such as the instructor bios.