Connecting you with community, uncovering local routes, and providing comprehensive insights into your bicycle
all through an intuitive app experience


5 weeks

Tools Used

Figma, Zoom

Solo Project

Your gateway to a vibrant cycling community, exciting discoveries, and confident rides in South Korea.

KorCycle: The Need

South Korea: Is Geared Up
South Korea’s cycling scene is booming! Scenic trails, thriving clubs, and city bike-sharing programs attract riders of all stripes. But planning rides? Not so smooth. Existing apps lack details crucial for cyclists, like hidden gems, bike shops, and safety tips. New riders struggle to find clear info on cycling etiquette and regulations. Enter KorCycle – the app that bridges the gap for a safer, more informed cycling experience in Korea.

Our Solution

  • Facilitate effortless searching and joining of local bicycle groups for users.
  • Offer real-time information during rides, including accommodations, photo spots, rest areas, nearby bicycle mechanics, and more.
  • Offer extensive resources and information regarding biking within their local communities and regions.

Design Process


User Interviews
User Research
Compeitor Analysis


Affinity Mapping
Empathy Mapping


User Flows
Task Flows


Mid - Hi Fidelity


Usability Testing

Empathize Phase

Building a Better Cycling App

Understanding the competition and user needs through a competitive analysis is key. This helped us:

  • Identify gaps: Are there features missing in existing apps, like group ride organization or clear safety info? We can fill those gaps!
  • Meet user expectations: User experience, features, and pricing are all crucial. We’ll learn what works and make our app even better.
  • Stand out from the pack: Benchmarking our app against competitors helps us set goals and differentiate ourselves. Unique features, better UX, or innovative marketing will make us the go-to cycling app.

Define Phase

Gaining a deep understanding of user needs, we conducted interviews with 5 potential users. We explored their daily routines, exercise preferences, current tracking methods, and the features they wish to see in ideal tracker applications. The valuable insights gathered were then categorized for further analysis.

User Personas

Leveraging insights from user interviews, the team developed personas – detailed profiles representing target users. These personas functioned as the guiding principle throughout the project, ensuring every design decision aligned with user needs and expectations. This focus on user-centered design aimed to maximize user satisfaction, usability, and ultimately, the project’s success.

Ideate Phase


The User Flow and Task Flows (3) were used to map out how users would ideally interact with the design. This has helped to ensure a smooth and intuitive experience by:

  • Identifying potential roadblocks users might encounter during navigation
  • Testing if users can achieve specific goals within the interface provided
  • Verifying the overall flow is logical and easy to follow

Design Phase

Low fidelity

From the insights gathered in the research interviews, participants emphasized the importance of a personalized exercising experience. Consequently, the objective of incorporating onboarding questions is to precisely identify users’ preferences and reduce the presence of irrelevant information about biking activities that do not align with their interests.

Participants in the interviews emphasized the importance of learning about bicycles, discovering local groups to join, exploring new local paths, and acquiring knowledge about appropriate equipment. As a result, these specific aspects were given focused attention.

Mood board / branding

The selection of green highlights symbolizes nature, reflecting the preference of most participants who use tracking applications during outdoor exercises rather than at indoor gyms. The font typeface and button size/format were chosen for simplicity and ease of visibility, considering that users may be in motion while using the application. Additionally, the logo is designed to convey circular motion, resembling that of a bicycle wheel.

High Fidelity

By creating a high-fidelity model, I could thoroughly test the KorCycle app’s user interface and interaction before any actual development began. This identified potential issues early on, which ultimately saved time in the end.

Test Phase


  • Remote testing: All 5 participants completed the usability tests on Zoom.
  • Consistent timing: A mobile phone timer ensured consistent measurement during specific test sections.
  • Review for insights: Recordings were reviewed and summarized to extract key findings.
  • Organized analysis: A feedback grid was used to categorize findings for clear analysis.
  • Unveiling patterns: An infinity map helped identify common themes and recommendations.
  • Prioritized improvements: A severity/frequency map was created by cross-referencing the feedback grid and infinity map, prioritizing the most critical areas for future iterations.

Tested Flows

  1. Successfully login
  2. Locate and join a road biking group
  3. Locate specific information pertaining to cleaning and maintaining a road bike through a written article/resource
  4. Discover a new, local bike route

Success Metrics

Task Success Rate: This measures the proportion of participants who successfully complete assigned tasks.

Error Identification: This focuses on minimizing the number of errors identified during the testing process.

User Satisfaction: After each task, participants will be asked interview questions aimed at assessing their satisfaction levels

Key Findings From the interviews

  • All users loved the app’s ease of use.
  • Finding learning materials was tricky.
  • Users found the app intuitive overall.
  • Search function usage varied.
  • Users want confirmation when bookmarking.
  • Small button size caused difficulties for most.
  • Functionality and features received significantly more praise.

Key Findings

Recorded interviews were revisited and notes were drawn up, organized, and arranged in order to create the Feedback Grid which in turn provided the backbone of the Prioritization Grid.


Analysis of data, interviews, and grids revealed key areas for which KorCycle needed to improve.

Usability testing unveiled that the majority of participants instinctively navigated towards the Trending Topics subsection when searching for articles.

Consequently, a color adjustment was introduced to diminish the section’s prominence and redirect attention elsewhere.

A significant portion of participants during the usability testing phase encountered difficulty clicking the subsection buttons due to their small size and lack of visibility

To address this issue, a color change was implemented to draw users’ attention to each subsection. Additionally, a larger clickable area was provided for enhanced usability

A number of participants expressed the need for confirmation when booking information, prompting the implementation of a color change.

Additionally, during testing, participants found the three tag buttons at the top of the article unclear. A minority also questioned their specific purpose. Consequently, these buttons have been relocated and refined to enhance clarity and intuitiveness, now positioned at the bottom of the page.



The launch of this website design has been postponed due to time and engineering limitations. However, I maintain regular communication with the owner of Aube Pilates and intend to persist in refining the site designs until we achieve a fully functional website. The owner expressed excitement at the prospect of seeing her ideas materialize and her company’s website come together, enabling her clients to access all online content conveniently in one central location.

If I had more time

Secondary research is imperative at this juncture. I’m eager to collect additional data from a broader audience to more accurately identify missing elements, such as the instructor bios.